Books and Articles in English, by Jochen Hippler
Most of my books and articles are written in German. Here are my publications in English.
For a short biographic note in English, please follow this link.
- Jochen Hippler
Change in the Middle East – Between Democratization and Civil War: A Short Introduction, publ. as: Working Paper 1 of the Project "Peaceful Change and Violent Conflict - The Transformation of the Middle East and Western-Muslim Relations", A Joint Publication by the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany; School of Juridical, Economic and Social Sciences, Mohammed V - Souissi University, Rabat, Morocco; National Institute for Pakistan Studies (NIPS), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan Duisburg, May 2013
- Jochen Hippler
Understanding Pakistan – Basic Problems of Pakistani Society and Politics; in: Hermann Kreutzmann / Talat Mahmood (Eds.), Understanding Pakistan, Berlin 2012, pp. 23-36
- Boris Wilke, Jochen Hippler, Muhammad Zakria Zakar
Violence Research from North Africa to South Asia: A Historical and Structural Overview, in: International Journal of Conflict and Violence, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2011, pp. 32-54
- Jochen Hippler
Failing States in: Harvard International Review, October 26, 2009, online edition
- Jochen Hippler
Beyond “New Terrorism” – Local roots and Transnationalisation of ‘Islamist’ Violence Duisburg 2008, unveröffentlichtes Manuskript
- Jochen Hippler
Afghanistan: Policy Adjustments or Withdrawal? Political Implications of the Escalation of Violence, Policy Paper 29 of the Development and Peace Foundation (SEF), Bonn 2008
- Jochen Hippler
Violence, Governance and Islam in Pakistan, Paper Prepared for the Final Conference “Control of Violence”, September 10 – 13, 2008, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF), Bielefeld University, Germany
- Jochen Hippler
Democratization after Civil Wars – Key Problems and Experiences, in: Democratization, Vol. 15, No. 3, June 2008, pp. 550-569; ebenfalls in: Wolfgang Merkel/Sonja Grimm (Eds.), War and Democratization: Legality, Legitimacy and Effectiveness, Oxon/New York 2009, pp. 94-113
- Jochen Hippler
War, Repression, Terrorism - Political Violence in Western and Muslim Societies, Written for the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) im Rahmen des Sonderprogramms ”€žEuropäisch-Islamischer Kulturdialog” of the German Foreign Office, (100 pages, in German, English, and Arabic, with comments by Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid and Amr Hamzawi); Stuttgart 2006
- Arabic version here
- Jochen Hippler
Counterinsurgency and Political Control – US Military Strategies Regarding Regional Conflict, INEF-Report 81 (Institute for Development and Peace), Duisburg 2006
- Jochen Hippler,
Violent Conflicts, Conflict Prevention and Nation-Building - Terminology and Political Concepts, in: Jochen Hippler (Ed.), Nation-Building – A Key Concept for Peaceful Conflict Transformation?, London 2005, pp. 3-14
- Jochen Hippler,
Nation-Building by Occupation? – The Case of Iraq in: Jochen Hippler (Ed.), Nation-Building – A Key Concept for Peaceful Conflict Transformation?, London 2005, pp. 81-97
- Jochen Hippler,
Nation-states for Export? - Nation-building between military intervention, crisis prevention and development policy, in: Jochen Hippler (Ed.), Nation-Building – A Key Concept for Peaceful Conflict Transformation?, London 2005, pp. 173-190
- Jochen Hippler
Ethnicity, State, and Nation-Building - Experiences, Policies and Conceptualization conference paper, Bonn 2002
- Jochen Hippler
Foreign Policy, the Media, and Western Perception of the Middle East, in: Kai Hafez (Ed.), Islam and the West in the Mass Media - Fragmented Images in a Globalizing World, Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press 2000, S. 67-87
- Jochen Hippler
Avrupa-Merkezcilik (Europazentrismus, türkisch); in: Özgür Üniversite Forumu, (Ankara), No. 2, 1998, S. 80-92) english version: Eurocentrism
- Jochen Hippler
Problems of Democracy and Nation-Building in Pakistan, in: “Liberation, Democratization, and Transitions to Statehood in the Third World”, Proceedings of the Conference Organized by Muwatin, 7-8 November 1997, Ramallah, edited by May Jayyusi, for Muwatin – The Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy, Ramallah); leicht modifizierte Fassung publiziert in: Silk Road – A Journal of West Asian Studies, Vol. 1, No. 4, April 1998, pp. 6-15; und unter dem Titel: “Problems of Culture, Democracy and Nation-Building in Pakistan” in: Nord-Süd aktuell (hrsg. vom Deutschen Übersee-Institut Hamburg), Jahrgang XII, Nr. 4, 1998, S. 697-701
- Jochen Hippler
The Slow Death of Humanitarian Interventionism, (translation of: “Das langsame Austrocknen des Humanitären Interventionismus”) in: Tobias Debiel / Franz Nuscheler (Hrsg.), Der neue Interventionismus - Humanitäre Einmischung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit, (Eine Welt - Texte der Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden), Bonn 1996, S. 77-102
- Jochen Hippler
Democratisation of the Third World After the End of the Cold War, in: Jochen Hippler (Editor), The Democratisation of Disempowerment - The Problem of Democracy in the Third World: Pluto Press, London, 1995, pp 1-31 [englische Fassung des gleichnamigen deutschen Aufsatzes]
[ins ungarische übersetzt als:] A Demokratizálás Mint Uralmi Forma – A Harmadik Világ a Hidegháború Után, in: Eszmélet (Budapest), Nr. 29, 1996, S. 22-50
- Jochen Hippler
The Islamic Threat and Western Foreign Policy, in: Jochen Hippler / Andrea Lueg (Eds.), The Next Threat - Western Perceptions of Islam, Pluto Press, London, 1995, pp 116-153
- Jochen Hippler
Conclusion: Dealing with Islam, in: Jochen Hippler / Andrea Lueg (Eds.), The Next Threat - Western Perceptions of Islam, Pluto Press, London, 1995, pp 154-160
- Jochen Hippler
Third World Conflicts After the End of the Cold War, in: Chester Hartman, Pedro Vilanova (Eds.), Paradigms Lost - The Post Cold War Era, London/Concord, Mass. 1992, pp 59-74
- Jochen Hippler
Iraq's Military Power: The German Connection, in: Middle East Report (Washington/New York), Vol. 21, No. 168, January/February 1991, S. 27-31
- Jochen Hippler
The Dangers of Eurocentrism, in: After the Gulf War - Europe and the Middle East, edited by the European Policy Unit, European University Institute, Florence/Italy, February 1991, pp. 24-27
- Steven Galster / Jochen Hippler
Report from Afghanistan, in: Middle East Report (Washington/New York), No. 158, May-June 1989, S. 38-42
- Jochen Hippler
NATO Goes to the Gulf, in: Middle East Report, (New York/Washington), No.155, November/December 1988, S. 18-21
- Jochen Hippler
Low-Intensity Warfare - Key Strategy for the Third World Theater, in: Middle East Report (New York/Washington), Vol. 17, No. 1, January/February 1987, pp. 32-38, abgedruckt in: U.S. Department of Defense, Current News - Supplemental (Items of Special Interest), April 14, 1987, pp. 8-13, und: in: Annual Editions - Third World 1988/89, Guilford/Conn. 1988, pp. 232-237
- Jochen Hippler
Central America - Bonn's Drift to the Right, in: Washington Report on the Hemisphere , April 16, 1985, S. 4f